Patapon 3 is the third installment in the Patapon series. It focuses on the Patapons stopping the Seven Archfiends and their continued search for Earthend. During their journey, they come across multidtudes of enemies and problems barring their path. Will the Patapons finally succeed in locating Earthend?
Patapon 3 begins directly where the previous game ended. The Patapons, with the help of the Zigotons and the Karmen, finish the Rainbow Bridge and cross the river to a new land, where they find a large mysterious box. When the Patapons open the box, the Seven Evil Archfiends come out and petrify everyone, except the flag bearer, Hatapon. A new tribe, the Bonedeth, are determined to crush the Patapons. Even the Akumapons are encountered later in the game. However, hope is far from lost, for inside the box are not just the Seven Archfiends, but also Silver Hoshipon, which found the Almighty and offered to help restore some of the Patapons back to life. The first Patapon Hoshipon restored is Hero, fusing it with the Almighty and thus transforming it into the Uberhero (essentially, a stronger version of Hero), augmenting its powers. Together, they find Hatapon and, after using the Pon drum along with Hatapon, the Uberhero learns how to use them. They also restore three other Patapons, forming the Trifecta and take the petrified Meden along with them to their new hideout, where they (and the player) are then introduced to the new shops, barracks, the Herogate, and the rest of the new features.
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